Viper Boa Care (Candoia aspera aspera)

Viper Boas are a admirable breed of snake to attending at. They are actual robust, with boxy 'keeled' scales and an arrow like head. They are usually a adequately addled brown, although can be a admirable ablaze red or orange. They do however, change colour with seasons, temperature and conceivably affection changes. I accept had admirable orangey specimens about-face a aphotic amber with time. about all Viper Boas are agrarian caught, in fact, I accept not heard of any acknowledged agriculturalist who has bred and reared these. Gravid (pregnant) females are about alien and accept their adolescent in captivity. However, best of these die aural 6 months for little or no credible reason. In time, we can hopefully apprentice Added about this breed and auspiciously carbon it in captivity. Viper Boas are adequately calm snakes, but aback handled afield can bash from ancillary to ancillary with lighting speed. Although they are non-venomous, they accept absolutely a awful bite. developed females can ability 80cm; males are beneath than bisected the size.


Invisible Bra

When befitting any snake as a pet, you about appetite to be Able to actualization the snake from the alfresco of its enclosure, in the best accustomed ambience you can offer. This will be Added aesthetically adorable and additionally aid in the accepted action of the snake. If the snake cast its surroundings, it will accept a Bigger agriculture acknowledgment and about abound quicker. A beyond vivarium additionally offers Added absorption to the snake's life, and by abacus branches and Added accustomed articles you will enhance the affection of activity the snake has, and stop it from acceptable apathetic and overweight. Also, actuality stronger it should accept Added of a attrition to any viral infections or any Added problems that it may appointment after in life.

For an developed Viper Boa, a vivarium 60cm breadth x 45cm Width x 45cm Height is ample. This is a afraid species; abounding specimens aback bought into bondage can go for abounding months after feeding. It is important that this capricious aeon is as stress-free as possible. A small, bedfast asylum with no Added lighting, abroad from beastly 'traffic' may be needed. Once the boa is agriculture on a approved basis, a beyond vivarium with lighting may be offered.

Snake enclosures can be fabricated from a cardinal of materials. best frequently acclimated is a melamine coated copse which covers all abandon except the front, which has bottle sliding doors. Aquariums can additionally be acclimated for Viper Boas, although a specialist lid should be bought or fabricated rather than the aboriginal aquarium lid. It is capital aback cerebration about what blazon of asylum you use, you anticipate about these 6 'SSSHHH' factors:

1) Safety - Can the snake or buyer abuse itself from the asylum or any accessories captivated within?

2) Secure - Can the snake escape through any baby aperture or cavity?

3) Size - Will the asylum be Appropriately sized?

4) Heating - Is the asylum Able to adapt the temperature properly?

5) Humidity - Will the asylum aftermost able-bodied in boiling conditions? Is there abundant blast for the damp to escape?

6) Hygienic - Will the asylum body up a lot of bacilli in baby cavities? Is it accessible to clean?

By afterward the accomplish above, you can accept a acceptable asylum fabricated from a array of materials.


Décor in your catchbasin serves two purposes. First actuality added awning for your snake and second, acceptance for a Added accustomed and adorable appearance. aback allotment décor, anticipate about the assurance of the snake. accomplish abiding that whatever you adjudge to use, it is deeply anchored and that no rocks, copse or annihilation abundant can abatement and possibly injure, or alike annihilate the snake. You charge additionally accomplish abiding that aggregate acclimated is bacteria free. If annihilation has been best up from outside, or has originally appear from outside, such as cork bark, you should either abscess it, or abode the account in the oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. Freezing works for some parasites, about others accept been accepted to survive months in freezing conditions. Some parasites begin in English altitude aftermost winters in bare temperatures, so it is not absolutely effective.

Once all your décor is bacteria free, it is again safe to abode central your enclosure. As a accepted rule, if you can put burden on an account to beating it down, a Viper Boa is absolutely Able of accomplishing so. aback accession rocks or abundant objects, accomplish abiding they are absolutely secure. If it is still uneasy, spiral them or use superglue to fix them securely. If it is not possible, the aphorism is simple: Do not abode the account in the vivarium!

If you adjudge to go for a beyond enclosure, you charge accommodate affluence of awning and ambuscade areas. A ambuscade abode can be annihilation from a tupperware box with a aperture cut out to a naturalistic allotment of cork bark. There are abounding brands of affected plants and décor you can use which is both safe for the beastly and adorable to the eye. Cork case is accessible from about any bastard pet boutique in the UK, and can be ordered in if they do not accept it in stock. This is accomplished awning for any bastard and is 100% natural. One affair you charge accede aback cerebration about the admeasurement of the vivarium, is the Bigger you go, the Added ambuscade areas you charge provide. I acclaim at atomic one ambuscade abode per bottom in breadth of the enclosure.

NOTE: Never use adhesive band in an enclosure; this is an blow cat-and-mouse to happen. Believe me; removing adhesive band from any snake is no accessible task!


Viper Boas are begin on close backwoods floors and are apparent to a adequately connected air temperature. They do not insolate in the sun and so it is not as important to accommodate them with a committed hot spot. Instead, accepting a adequately connected air temperature of 85-90ºF during the day and 80-85ºF during the night is fine. A abounding baptize basin should be offered for the snake to absolutely deluge if required. If your viper boa does this constantly, the vivarium is best apparently too hot and should be cooled bottomward slightly.

In my opinion, the ideal way of heating a Viper Boa's asylum is to use a ability plate. This is a baby attenuate aboveboard plate, about 25mm blubbery which is busted into the top of the vivarium. It does not charge to be protected, as there is no way a snake can anchor assimilate it. It is about invisible to the eye as it artlessly sits on the beam of the vivarium. The alone cast accessible in the UK is HabiStat bastard Radiator; it is 75 Watts and is acceptable for any vivarium up to 4ft continued and possibly larger. It produces no ablaze and accordingly in a vivarium you will charge a anatomy of lighting as well. A ability bowl should be acclimated in affiliation with a HabiStat Pulse Proportional Thermostat, which will stop the ability extensive the ability bowl as anon as the temperature goes aloft the setting, and about-face aback on as anon as it is too cool. This is one of the best authentic thermostats on the bazaar today.

Ceramic heaters, atom bulbs and calefaction mats are additionally means of heating a vivarium. These all accept their advantages and disadvantages, but in my opinion, none absolutely counterbalance out to be as acceptable as a ability plate.


Viper Boas are primarily nocturnal, acceptation they adventure out in the aphotic of night. This is aback their capital predators are sleeping, and their casualty is awake. Lighting for this breed is not important. However, accepting bogus ablaze in a vivarium is aesthetically adorable to the owner, and is a acceptable accession to a snake's enclosure. They will use this as a photo-period, and their approved time alarm will about acclimatize to the settings on which you accept your ablaze set to.

They do not crave any anatomy of appropriate lighting, such as a D3 Ultra-Violet ablaze frequently acclimated for circadian species. An Arcadia accustomed Sunlight Fluorescent Lamp is a acceptable anatomy of lighting. This comes in lengths of 12" up to 48" and I advance you use the better admeasurement Able to fit central your vivarium.


Viper Boas action over abundant of New Guinea and surrounding Islands and accordingly are apparent to a aerial humidity. This should be replicated in bondage to aid to the accepted bloom and abundance of your snake. A 80-90% clamminess ambit will acquiesce to snake to accoutrements it's bark appropriately and become beneath decumbent to any problems such as respiratory infections.


Juveniles or males should be offered down-covered or baby mice, and as they abound the mice or rats should become larger. An developed changeable viper boa should be fed on weaner rats. One of these every 2 weeks is ample. An developed macho may booty down-covered rats or abounding mice. Juveniles should be fed on a approved basis, every 7 canicule is ideal. Their metabolic amount is college than adults and as they are growing, they charge a lot Added aliment to accumulate them going. Viper Boas accept a low metabolism compared to abounding snakes, they move actual little and do not crave the aforementioned abundance of aliment that abounding Added breed do. Snakes accept the adequacy of architecture up a huge fat reserve, and become adipose actual easily. Taking the weight off however, is a abundant Added difficult task. adipose snakes will not alive about the breadth as a advantageous snake would due to alarmist and branch problems. If you are borderline about your snake's weight, analysis with a bastard veterinarian.

Viper Boa Care (Candoia aspera aspera)

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